
UN Women (UNW) is the UN organization dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs worldwide.

UN Women supports UN Member States as they set global standards for achieving gender equality, and works with governments and civil society to design laws, policies, programmes and services needed to implement these standards. It stands behind women’s equal participation in all aspects of life, focusing on five priority areas: increasing women’s leadership and participation; ending violence against women; engaging women in all aspects of peace and security processes; enhancing women’s economic empowerment; and making gender equality central to national development planning and budgeting. UN Women also coordinates and promotes the UN system’s work in advancing gender equality.

  • Women's Design and Innovative Development Forum
    Women's Design and Innovative Development Forum
    The UN Women Asian-Pacific Region and World Eco-Design Conference (UN Consulative Status NGO) co-organized the Women's Design and Innovative Development Forum, linked with the exchange and sharing of women innovative design, fully discovered role models of women innovative design in countries along the Silk Road, promoted traditional culture, accelerated cooperation and exchange, and jointly promoted women development, so as to contribute to the constructions of the "Belt and Road" and a community of shared destiny for mankind with the power of women.
Contact us
  • Guangzhou,China
  • +86 - 18933223175
  • wedc@vip.126.com
  • (020) 8264 1084
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