United Nations Technology
On December 8, 2019, during the Second World Eco-Design Conference, Mr. Joshua Photo Setipa, Managing Director of the United Nations Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries and Mr. Ying Fangtian, President of the Organizing Committee of the World Eco-Design Conference (UN Consulative Status NGO) had productive consultations on the issues of common interest of both parties, and signed the Joint Declaration on June 10, 2020, to establish a strategic cooperative partnership.

Since June 2020, to facilitate the settlement of the United Nations Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries Eco-Design Promotion Center (EDPC), WEDC and the UN Technology Bank have had 15 working meetings, and reached a Letter of Intent on November 30, 2020.

Until now, both parties have working to accelerate the Center to become a subsidiary organ of the United Nations.
Build capacity in eco-design and technology education in LDCs, through collaboration with of tertiary education institutes in China and abroad for sustainable development;

Facilitate access to Eco-friendly industrial technology and industrial design solutions to LDCs; 

Provide training and workshops for promoting knowledge exchange of international Eco-design experts.
  • Capacity Building
    To implement the International Design Education Program, providing 50 seats to the students of 46 LDCs, enhance the design education for the LDCs.

    Develop online interdisciplinary training programs specializing in design, expand the talent reserve for the sustainable development of the globe.
  • Technology Revitalization
    Establish global digital technology repository, promote open-source technology transfer to the LDCs.
  • Partnership
    Organize the World Eco-Design Conference, put great efforts to forge a hub and platform of the eco-design and innovation for the globe, strengthen the communications among countries, and the development of partnerships among countries at the same time;
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  • +86 - 19925740779
  • wedc@vip.126.com
  • (020) 8264 1084
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