Capital of  Customization
Capital of
The “Capital of Customization” is to identify cities that have made significant and successful progress towards customization of products and services, and support new generation of information technology to satisfy needs of users and customers. The case cities will become role modules for other cities. The Award aims to encourage cities to explore new pathways to upgrade its ecology, intelligence and sustainability for industries, which will support national innovation strategies towards implementing the UN 2030 agenda for sustainable development goals.
Any cities across the world which possess business models of customization and innovation to support the environment and promote transformations of other industries, as well as capacity upgrade on products and services customization, are eligible to participate.
Award winners
  • Mayors and representatives of the winning cities will be invited to attend the award ceremony at WEDC, and other activities at the Conference;
  • The winning cities will be released in industrial publications such as the Annual Report of World Eco-Design Conference (UN Consulative Status NGO), Year Book of the Chinese Industrial Design, and the Design etc. as well as feature articles in international media related to the industry;
  • To increase their reputation and influence of the winning cities in the globe, mayors and representatives of the winning cities may participate in a wide range of international industrial design activities, such as study tours, exchange programme, network matchmaking and cooperation etc.
Winners List
Contact us
  • Guangzhou,China
  • +86 - 18933223175
  • wedc@vip.126.com
  • (020) 8264 1084
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