Global Environment Facility approves UNIDO Programme to drive innovation for climate adaptation and resilience
Release date : July 03, 2024

Washington DC, 20 June 2024 – The UNIDO Programme for Innovation in Climate Adaptation and Resilience Building Solutions (PARS) was approved as the first global program under the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) by the Global Environment Facility’s (GEF) 67th Council Meeting.
PARS aims to mobilize private sector investment through its global platform and strategic country projects in Ethiopia, Lesotho, Malawi and Somalia. By fostering innovation and engaging micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), PARS will drive the development and deployment of transformative climate adaptation and resilience-building solutions across the food and agriculture, water and energy sectors. 
"This initiative aligns with UNIDO’s mandate and our unique expertise. By scaling up finance, strengthening innovation, and engaging the private sector, we aim to deliver innovative and practical and affordable climate adaptation and resilience-building solutions that directly benefit vulnerable communities. Our goal is to drive innovation, accelerating the development and deployment of adaptation solutions at scale and speed," said Ciyong Zou, UNIDO Deputy to the Director General and Managing Director of the Directorate of Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Industrial Development.
As PARS expands to include more countries, it is uniquely positioned to facilitate valuable knowledge creation and learning. By documenting and sharing best practices, the programme will contribute to a global understanding of effective climate adaptation and resilience-building strategies. This knowledge will be disseminated through various channels, including publications, webinars and workshops.
The total budget of the PARS programme amounts to more than $32m. PARS embodies a collaborative approach to climate adaptation and resilience innovation. By fostering partnerships with governments, international organizations, the private sector, and civil society, UNIDO aims to create a synergistic impact that drives sustainable development. This initiative not only addresses the immediate needs of vulnerable communities but also builds a foundation for long-term resilience and prosperity.
The Least Developed Countries Fund, operated by the GEF, is the only multilateral fund that focuses exclusively on the unique climate adaptation challenges of LDCs and is embraced by LDCs as their own. At the 36th LDCF Council Meeting, the fourth Work Program of the LDCF in the GEF-8 period was approved for more than $203 million for 12 national projects and two multi-country projects to address urgent climate change adaptation priorities in 17 LDCs.

Global Environment Facility approves UNIDO Programme to drive innovation for climate adaptation and resilience | UNIDO
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