"Professional Development and Entrepreneurship Education" Lecture 3
Release date : December 27, 2023

On December 11, 2023, Development of Professional Competency and Entrepreneurial Education was successfully held at the International School of Design. This time, Miss Grace Xu, a Sales Manager in BSM Enterprise Ltd., was invited to share her experiences. In addition to sharing her career life and work experience, she free talked about career planning with all students.
REMA RAOUL JOSPIN, 2022 Industrial Design Engineering, “I think that Master’s students require career programs to sharpen their abilities, expand their industry knowledge, and foster professional development. This lecture is preparing us for the competitive job market by providing us with insight into current industry trends, strategic career planning, and most importantly networking opportunities. Miss Xu is guiding us on how to use our backgrounds and existing skills for job advancement and how to link academic successes to specific industrial demands, that is to enhance higher education performance and employability” said after lecture.
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