Mr. Ying Fangtian Elected as 2024 Full Member of the European Academy of Engineering (EAE)!
Release date : May 09, 2024
The European Academy of Engineering (EAE) announced the list of full members elected in 2024 on its official website (https://eae.edu.eu/). Ying Fangtian, president of the World Eco-Design Conference (WEDC), UN Consultative Status NGO, was honored to be elected as full member of the Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (I.M.E.) class of the EAE.

In 2024, the EAE have 8 new full members in 13 classes. Co-elected with Professor Ying Fangtian are Anthony S. Fauci (Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases), John Muller (Space X founder, Impulse Space founder and CEO Thomas), Tony F. Chan, (President of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology), Olivier Appert, (President of the French Committee of the World Energy Council), Philippe Busquin, (Chairman of the Science and Technology Options and Assessment Panel of the European Parliament), Maria da Grabala Carvalho (Former Member of the European Parliament) and Professor Guido Cromer (Director of the French Medical Research Council).

Ying Fangtian
Professor/Doctoral Supervisor of Zhejiang University
Vice President and Secretary-General of China Industrial Design Association (CIDA)
Director of Computer-Aided Product Innovation Design Engineering Center, Ministry of Education, China
Dean of the National Eco-Industrial Design Institute (EIDI)
President of World Eco-Design Conference (UN Consultative Status NGO)

Professor Ying has made significant achievements in the intersection of ecological design and computer technology. He has constructed a multidimensional ecological design model and successfully realized a “Design + Technology + Business + User + Culture” integrated ecological intelligence analysis engine, which has thoroughly transformed the methods of environmental perception design and management innovation. He has made remarkable achievements in the development of high-dimensional complex systems, including research on product intelligent design systems based on visual thinking and neural rehabilitation robot systems. His innovative work earning him prestigious awards including the International Ecological Design Scientist Award, the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, the silver medal of China Design Contribution Award, German Red Dot Design Award, and IF Design Award. His global engagements include serving as the president of the World Eco-Design Conference (WEDC) with the United Nations Consultative Status Organization, a position that has had a significant impact on international engineering collaboration, demonstrating a deep commitment to sustainable development and international cooperation. 

The European Academy of Engineering, an authoritative academic institution independent of any country and government, was established in 1992 in Gothenburg, Kingdom of Sweden by representatives of academicians of the National Academy of Engineering and Sciences from France, Germany, Britain, Italy, Spain and Switzerland, with the support and participation of the European Commission and other European countries. As one of the highest level academic institutions in the world, the European Academy of Engineering represents the European academic authority in the field of engineering and technology.

Full member of the European Academy of Engineering is the highest academic title in the field of international engineering science and technology, and it is a high recognition and praise for experts and scholars who have made outstanding contributions in the field of engineering science and technology.‍ As of July 2023, the European Academy of Engineering has nearly 390 full members (including foreign members) from 25 countries and regions around the world, covering various engineering fields, such as civil engineering, machinery, electronics, chemistry, biology, medicine, artificial intelligence and so on. Among them, there are 37 Nobel Prize winners, 29 Fields Medal winners, 17 Turing Award winners and other internationally renowned award winners. ‍
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